woman with a hand to her head worried about Global Events and Your Mental Health

Global Events and Your Mental Health

With the outbreak of COVID-19 and isolation of quarantine, it’s no wonder global events and your mental health are related. A pandemic can cause more than fear and anxiety about the state of the world. If you or a loved one’s mental health condition is worsened by the effects of COVID-19, contact Remedy Therapy to…

therapist comforting woman during Talk Therapy for Depression

Talk Therapy for Depression

Mental health impacts our everyday lives. When symptoms of depression linger, affecting our families and careers, talk therapy for depression counseling can help. Talk Therapy for Depression Symptoms Talk therapy, or psychotherapy, provides a means to learn about depression and new skills to manage symptoms. This type of therapy for depression provides relief from symptoms…

woman explaining What to Expect From Individual Counseling

What to Expect From Individual Counseling

Many people who are struggling with mental health disorders but are contemplating counseling services continuously wonder what to expect from individual counseling. Typically, this type of counseling entails the process of helping a person one-on-one to overcome symptoms of mental health disorders. Therapists use individual counseling to treat people dealing with a wide range of…

parents with small children asking what is family counseling

What is Family Counseling?

If your family is going through a rough patch, you may start to wonder – what is family counseling? By definition, family counseling is a form of therapy that addresses issues affecting the healthy functioning of a family. The treatment is effective for helping people to overcome painful periods like a significant transition, substance use…

woman smiling outside walking for Depression Treatment during COVID-19

Depression Treatment During COVID-19

The world around you is difficult at best. You look everywhere to see news reports of deaths and the number of people at risk of COVID-19. You also hear the professionals stating that everyone needs to stay at home, indoors, away from everyone else, and alone. You’re scared. You’re also feeling depression symptoms rise. If…

two people sitting and holding each other's hands questioning is my loved one struggling with their mental health

Is My Loved One Struggling with Their Mental Health?

Mental health issues affect how we behave, feel, and think. There are two major categories of mental issues: neurotic and psychotic. Some of the mental health issues that have neurotic symptoms include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, and panic attacks.  One may ask, “Is my loved one struggling with their mental health?” Is…